Silhouet-Tone IPL Extra 818

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SKU SKU24939
Weight 220.00 lbs

Silhouet-Tone IPL Extra 818

For both permanent hair removal and skin rejuvenation without surgery or any down time.

The Extra 818 utilizes Active’s GEM-PL technology to establish a precise Pulse Pattern tailored to the chosen treatment type, skin tone, skin sensitivity to light, and treatment depth.

  • Dual Cooling System: Deep cooling, touch operated – Painless treatments.

  • Facial Treatments: No pain and patient discomfort.

  • Hair Removal: Excellent with working also on very dark skin and deep hair\

  • No Hidden Running Costs No consumables, low maintenance requirements.

  • Intuitive touch screen control.

  • Suitable for all Skin Types & Colors, amazing Results.

Hair Removal

Light-based technology eliminates hair through three methods: - Disrupting the follicle by coagulating the melanocyte and matrix cells. - Blocking the follicle capillaries with heat energy, reducing nutrients and oxygen supply to the hair follicle. - Stimulating matrix cells to activate calcium pumps and deplete the cell's energy, leading to the suppression of cellular metabolism. These three mechanisms support each other, ensuring that if one method is ineffective, the other two will still be effective.

Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

Active's GEM-PL Technology utilizes precise dosing (just a few milliseconds per pulse) and intensity of wavelengths, approximately 420nm, to achieve the best possible outcomes in stimulating collagen and elastic fiber production.

Pigmentation Treatment

Solar lentigo, also known as age spots, sun spots, or liver spots, are skin imperfections that are linked to aging and prolonged exposure to UV radiation from the sun. These spots can vary in color, ranging from light brown to black, and are typically found in areas of the body that are frequently exposed to sunlight, such as the hands, face, shoulders, arms, forehead, and even the scalp for individuals who are bald. The use of light-based technology offers a safe and efficient method for effectively eliminating these blemishes, providing a quick solution for their removal.

Acne Treatment

Acne is a source of distress and unease for numerous individuals worldwide who must confront it on a daily basis. The advent of light-based technology solutions has brought about a revolution in the treatment of acne. These treatments are significantly shorter, simpler, and more efficient.

Vascular Facia Treatment

Spider-like capillaries are a visible indication of the passage of time on our skin. These capillaries can appear anywhere on our body, but they tend to be most bothersome when they manifest on our face.

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